Tonight was the Annual CAIR-AZ Fundraising Banquet. Alhumduilah it went pretty well for the most part. We raised over $100,000 which means that BK gets to get paid. Yay for her!
So while I was roaming around pretending to look important NE comes up to me and said that one of the babysitters needs to find some baby's parents becuase he wouldn't stop crying. Since we didn't get parents info when they dropped off their children, this would have been a quite diffifult task. So I just ignored him and went back into the banquet hall. About 10 minutes later the babysitter comes whaltzing into the hall holding baby. She tells me the same story that NE had relayed earlier and hands me the baby. She told me to walk around the aisles until his parents see him. I felt very uncomfortable doing that and since the baby wasn't crying I just held him and continued listening to the speech. I walked around the back and side of the room for about 20 min just holding him. He was very cute mashaAllah, but miskeen he kept doing that thing you do when you've been crying for a really long time. You know that weird breathing thing....anyway so then I ran into RA and was like dude walk with me, I gotta get rid of this baby. She was like no that will look wierd. Go by yourself. Just then, the babysitter comes strolling in AGAIN this time with a 2 year old at her side. So RA takes the baby and we both start walking through the middle of the room. Alhumdulilah very soon after that we found both thier mothers.
Then me and RA went back to pretending to look important :)