Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Princess Big Foot

One late night on AIM....

Reemz: dude go to bed!
Falesteenia: no
Falesteenia: u go to bed!
Reemz: i'm trying!
Falesteenia: its past ur bedtime
Falesteenia: beside its summer vacation :-D
Falesteenia: hehe
Falesteenia: do u want me to tell u a bedtime story?

Thus became Huda's BedTime Story...

Princess Big Foot

There was once a Princess Named this wasnt an ordinary princess...cuz she had really big feet. She lived in a huugge castle, with her AWESOME friend Princess Huda. Princess Rema was jealous of Huda cuz no one made a group on facebook for Rema. So she always took out her anger on poor innocent sweet Huda. One day...they were walking in the park...& this handsome Prince approached Rema. He was the Prince of Bangladesh..tall, dark, and handsome. He liked Rema for who she was & didnt care about her huge smelly feet. Then this prince hooked Huda up with an AWESOME Palestinian Prince... & everyone lived happily ever after.

The End.

-Story written by Huda Sharourourourourourourou