After the ICNEV Fundraiser, BK, HS and I went to chill at Desert Ridge. As we were walking, a middle aged white guy with his wife politely inquires if we are Muslim. First thought...dawa time. Boy was I wrong. After we say yes, the guy continues on to say that they just finished watching United 93 and that we bleeping Muslims should take off our burqas and get out of America. The wife chimed in that we should "go back to our cultures".
Its amazing how much ignorance is still around, especially in the upper/middle class Americans. Muslims recieved a lot of backlash after 9/11, but slowly it faded. Is this movie going to bring it all back? How many 'average' Americans have all this pent-up anger and hate towards Muslims?
May Allah protect us all open everyone's hearts to Islam and give victory to the Muslimeen. Ameen.
So who all wants to throw on our burqas and go watch Flight 93? MSA field trip perhaps?