At our hotel in Toronto, one morning after Fajr, Atifa and I were awaken by the sound of a fire alarm. Neither of us seemed to alarmed by it. We just laid there annoyed that it wouldn't stop. After a few min we took a peek in the hall way to see if anyone was going anywhere. We didn't see anything. We decided to call the front desk to see if we needed to evacuate or something. When there was no answer some people may have been worried, but were we? Nope. We continued to just be annoyed at the blaring sound ruining our sleep. We called the front desk again in a few min and they said it was just in the kitchen and that everything was fine. The alarm finally stopped shortly after that and we went back to sleep.
This incident just goes to prove my theory that school fire drills do more harm than help. Ever since our periodic fire drills in elementary school and even highschool, I've always been desensitized to fire alarms. God forbid if there was a real fire in school, everyone would have cared less becuase they would think it was just another drill.
I was just talking to my cousin and he thinks I'm retarded. He thinks that fire drills are very useful. Oh well...
I'm off to DC tomorrow. Email me any dua requests for the last leg of my journey.
and finally...
Eid Mubarak!